· By Tyler Johnson

Young Onassis: Making Waves with "When I Want It", featured in The Source online!

Young Onassis is back with another hit single, "When I Want It." The song, which was released in December 2020, has been making waves in the music industry and has been featured on The Source.

"When I Want It" is a testament to Onassis's unique style and talent. The song's catchy beat and memorable lyrics showcase his ability to create music that resonates with a wide audience. The song is a celebration of success and the freedom that comes with it, embodying the spirit of doing what you want, when you want it.

Onassis's music is known for its raw energy and authenticity, and "When I Want It" is no exception. The song is a powerful anthem for those who are unafraid to chase their dreams and make their own rules.

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